InAQA Academy
Site policy
By agreeing to this site policy, you acknowledge that you understand and agree with the following points.
Limits of service
No guarantee or warranty is expressed or implied.
We are providing the InAQA Academy courses free to you to help you learn.
InAQA Academy content is for young migrants, and the site is not designed to host your actual courses for bringing your students into. The platform owners may delete any of your uploaded data at ourselvs discretion. We cannot be held liable for any perceived loss of data or service.
Code of conduct
On this platform participants are expected to act responsibly and to show respect and consideration to other users.
• Only post meaningful and relevant content to the discussion forums and elsewhere.
• Do not post unsolicited advertisements or spam.
• Do not harass other users.
• Do not upload or post materials that are unsuitable for people under 16 years old.
• Do not abuse the limits of this free service by uploading gigabytes of videos or other files.
• Do not upload anything that you don't have copyright for.
We will endeavour to remove any content that is deemed inappropriate. Spammers or anyone else who persists in violating our code of conduct will have their account blocked. To report spam or any other site policy issue, please use the InAQA Academy contact form.